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41-01A 48th St , Queens, NY, Uni...
At Eldessouky Law, we are committed to defending the rights of workers throughout Irvine with comprehensive employment law services. Our firm specializes in navigating complex workplace matters with precision and care. If you find yourself wronged by wrongful termination or facing employment discrimination, our attorneys possess the expertise to serve as your staunch advocates. As adept sexual harassment lawyers and workplace harassment attorneys, we stand against injustice with determination and empathy for those affected by such misconduct. Our legal acumen encompasses wage and hour claims, retaliation concerns, disability discrimination suits, and whistleblower protection laws—ensuring robust representation across various aspects of employment law. By choosing Eldessouky Law as your guide through challenging times at work, you gain not only a relentless ally but also a resourceful partner determined to vindicate your rights within California’s legal framework.
phone:(949) 359-8242
location:2102 Business Center Drive, Suite 481,Irvine,California,92612